Welcome to the
Jacksonville Gem and Mineral Society
We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization in Jacksonville, Florida.
Our society was created to stimulate interests in rocks and minerals by furtherance of the activities of its members, in the earth sciences; to disseminate knowledge, methods and procedures for the collection, identification, classification, cutting, polishing, setting, and mounting of specimens for these activities; and to promote good fellowship, proper ethics and conduct in the relationships of said members with each other and with members of other earth science societies in pursuit of these activities.
What do we do?
Monthly Meetings
We hold monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month, see below for details.
Monthly Classes
Each month we hold classes in Silversmithing, Lapidary, Stained Glass, Casting, Beading, Bead Embroidery, Needle Felting, Chainmaille, Metal Clay, Cooking, Crochet, Chalk Painting and Basket Weaving.
Members can sign up for classes at our monthly meetings.
3733 Crown Point Road
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Click on the map to go to our location on Google Maps.